Hitler's Appeal to the SA and SS, 10 March 1933 Hitler's Appeal to the SA and SS, 10 March 1933 Source: J. Noakes & G. Pridham, Documents on Nazism 1919-1945 , (London, 1974), pp.183-184. Comrades, SA and SS men! A revolution has taken place in Germany. It is the result of hard struggles, the greatest tenacity, but also the tightest discipline. Unscrupulous characters, mainly Communist spies, are trying to compromise the Party by individual actions which have no relation to the great work of the national uprising, but could discredit and detract from the achievements of our movement. In particular, they try to bring the Party or Germany into conflict with foreign countries by molesting foreigners and cars with foreign flags. SA and SS men, you yourselves must immediately stop such creatures and take them to task. Furthermore, you must hand them over to the police, whoever they may be. From this day onwards the National Government has executive power throughout Germany. The further progress of the national uprising will therefore be guided and planned from the top. Only where these orders are resisted or where individuals or marching columns are ambushed must this resistance be crushed, as before, thoroughly and immediately. The molesting of individuals, the obstruction or disturbance of business life, must cease on principle. You, Comrades, must see to it that the national revolution of 1933 cannot be compared in history with the revolution of the knapsack Spartacists in 1918. Apart from this, do not be deterred from a second from our slogan. It is: The extermination of Marxism.